1·The user cache service checks whether details of the user exist in the cache.
user cache service检查用户的详细信息是否存在于缓存中。
2·The input file might not exist, or this user might not have permission to read it.
3·If any corporate standards exist — such as data naming conventions, user interface design guidelines, programming guidelines, or modeling guidelines — you adopt them at this point.
4·If one does not exist, a SQL0286N error will be returned to the user or application.
如果不存在这样的标空间,则将向用户或应用程序返回SQL 0286n错误。
5·If you want to create a new user, the defined new user must not exist in any of the hosts.
6·For it to be useful, there must exist a program that exploits its functionality and provides a user interface.
7·If some SDK applications exist, one could make them run on specific hosts outside of the end user realm.
8·If two libraries exist that define conflicting members, the members are aggregated and noted in the user interface where relevant.
9·Locks may exist across user interactions, which means that they may be abandoned, and therefore a lock timeout strategy is required.
10·For example, if multiple namespaces exist, the user will be required to select a namespace.